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A Beautiful Story A Beautiful Story Armband

  • A Beautiful Story - A Beautiful Story Armband
  • A Beautiful Story - A Beautiful Story Armband
  • A Beautiful Story - A Beautiful Story Armband Thumbnail
  • A Beautiful Story - A Beautiful Story Armband Thumbnail

Produktinformationen zu "A Beautiful Story Armband"

The Nirmala Lapis Lazuli bracelet is a full set of seven strings, these are made of white metal beads and colored glass beads. The strings are hold togheter by a handmade tube with a Lapis Lazuli gemstone. The Lapis Lazuli gemstone stands for: connection, truthfullness and improves friendships.

  • Hersteller A Beautiful Story
34,99 €
Ist dieses Produkt bei "Steins Mode" vorrätig?
02202 / 9560225

Steins Mode

  • Adresse Hauptstraße 209
    51465 Bergisch Gladbach
  • Telefon 02202 / 9560225
  • Öffnungszeiten
    09.30-18.30 Uhr
    09.30-16.00 Uhr
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